BOOKLET - How to Solder Copper, Bronze, Brass & Nickel
This booklet makes soldering
easy for everyone!
- Our instructional
19 page color booklet on the basics & more of how to solder
copper, brass, & bronze.
Quickly learn how to solder wire or sheet
- It takes
you from tools & supplies needed, charts of metals, cleaning,
flux, safety, to soldering with a demonstration exercise that
you can do.
A unique,practical and
inexpensive approach using the least amount of readily available
equipment and supplies . It includes quick jigging.
- A large format
8 1/2 x 11 inch- 19 Pages with plenty of color photos for every
step, and there are several practice exercises.
- This is our
most requested craft information. Written from over 25 years
of experience by Larry Henke & Ron Bodoh
click here: Amazon EBooks SALE: NOW $6
Other Reading:
Metal Working - A book of Tools, Materials and Processes for the Handyman by Paul N. Hasluck, (Reprinted from 1907 Original), 1994 Lindsay Publications, Inc.
Living Materials - A Sculptor's Handbook by Oliver Andrews, University of California Press, 1988
The Art and Craft of Making Jewelry by Joanna Gollberg, Lark Books, 2006
Making Metal Jewelry - Projects~Techniques~Inspiration by Joanna Gollberg, Lark Books, 2003
Practical Blacksmithing and Metalworking by Percy W. Balnford, Tab Books, 1988
The Art of Coppersmithing by John Fuller Sr, (Reprinted from 1893 original) Astragal Press, 1993
PAPERMAKING - The History of and Ancient Craft by Dard Hunter, (Reprinted from 1947 original) Dover Press, 1978
Check EBAY and ETSY for Out-of-Print titles

All designs and photographs shown herein are original and copyright protected.
(c) Copyright 2010 .-the Whimsie Studio All rights reserved.
These articles and writings are for our customers personal use only. They may not be copied or published in whole or part, in any form electronically or in print
without express written permission of the authors Larry Henke & Ronald Bodoh