Making Cookie Cutters
by The Whimsie Studio craftsmen
Fine metal craft for 24 years

Updated Jan 22,2023

How to make Cookie cutters: 

1. Cut a strip of 23 gauge sheet metal. We use a 1 1/2 inch wide strip by 14 inches long in copper 23 gauge. Other metals can be used such as brass but aluminum is generally too soft and does not solder. (Thicker or thinner metal will not work as well for this project.)
2. Here we will make a circle but any shape can be made. Wrap around a 3 1/2 inch tube leaving an overlap. see Flattening, Bending & Forming Metal
3. Clean to prep for solder see Cleaning Copper and Brass Then Solder with a lead free solder. Use flux if it does not have a flux core. see:Soldering introduction)
4. cut another strip of metal for the handle fold down over sides of circle over the top and solder. see Bending & Forming Metal
5. Clean and you have a basic cookie cutter.Cleaning Copper and Brass   Hint clean cookie cutter before and after use with a scouring pad to keep it bright. Place in a sealed plastic bag.
It is done. (We will have photos soon)
This basic cutter can be modified by bending in different shapes such as an egg shape.
Or the strip can be bent into a shape before soldering. For example a star- Use a 12 1/2 inch long strip. Mark every 1 1/2 inches along the strip Ten times. leaving a 1/2 inch on the end. Fold one way and the other on each mark (zig-zag) including the 1/2 inch tab.
see Bending & Forming Metal Over lap the tab and solder. A handle can be added as in #4 above.
Solderless cookie cutters can be made by gluing the ends with epoxy, but they may not last as long. They also can be fastened by drilling two holes in the overlap joint and using a small screw or rivets. Seams can be made by bending or a hammering a flat lap joint - nested flat seams.
Photo shows an older cookie cutter made with a flat back and strip of copper soldered on. Some have holes in the middle of the backing to release the air and the dough.



 Copper sheet and brass sheet are easy to work: they solder easily, cut with a tin snips.



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(c) Copyright 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -the Whimsie Studio. Larry Henke & Ronald Bodoh
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