Updated Jan 22,2023
How to
- Pierced Sheet
Metal work
- For
Pie Safe panels
- or
- A
- a
basic how-to for artists and CRAFTERS
to create pierced sheet metal work for Pie Safe panels or Luminaries.
- For this demonstration we have used 30 gauge Aluminum sheet which looks like the old fashioned tin used in pie safes
- But Copper 30 gauge or Bronze 30 Gauge can also be used for a warmer look. Foil of 36 gauge can be used if handled delicately, reinforced or mounted on glass or against a flat surface.
1. Measure for the finished
size required and layout pattern with lightly scribing the design
with a compass or a nail.
- 2. Place
a square of ordinary corrugated cardboard underneath.
- 3.You can
mark your pattern with a fine point permanent marker, but we
have just eyed up the design.
- 4. With a
large nail hammer design in the panel starting from the center.
Practice on a scrap of metal to get the feel and see if nail
is the right size. Use only the pressure necessary to pierce-
any more will unnecessarily dent the panel making it difficult
to mount.
The finished panel can be painted or varnished to protect. We
use shellac or a colored varnish to give an antique look. Use
the first one to transfer design if you are doing more than one.
Or save cardboard as a pattern
- Mount it
in a Pie Safe- to replace panels or create your own.
- Use copper
to create an upscale panel.
- Mount in
a frame and hang in a window or create a screen for a fire place.
- Use on ceilings
for a tin ceiling.
- 1) Bend it
tightly around a tube so layers overlap and tap in holes that
go through both layers. You may have to re-do the underneath
ones but they will be lined up.
- 2) Lace up
with a thin wire.
- 3)place a
candle it it for a luminary!
Use copper or brass for
a different look.
- Order samples and experiment
you may end up with a family keepsake or a lovely gift!
- For
tools and techniques SEE ALSO: Flattening,
Bending & Forming Metal
- The
entire contents of this site and photographs shown herein are
original and copyright protected.
- (c)
Copyright 20010 -the Whimsie Studio.
- These
articles and writings are for our customers personal use only.
They may not be copied or published in whole or part, in any
form electronically or in print without express written permission
of the authors Larry Henke & Ronald Bodoh