color illustration :
- Early W. J. Reeves &
Sons Catalogue
- from around 1828-1830
- Shown at right is the cover
of an 8 pages (4 leafs)
Catalogue / brochure of
Reeves & Sons
- The Catalogue lists colors,
boxes, papers, pencils,etc .
- It is approximately 7 1/2
x 4 inches for each page.
- It is printed on fine wove
paper folded & sewn in center .
- The paper has partial watermark
of "Fellows 1828"
- John Fellows, hand-made
wove paper, made at Eynsford Mill,
- on the River Darent,
in north Kent, England
- Only a few copies
this old are known to exist.
Reference: British National
Portrait Museum The earliest catalog
that Winsor Newton has is 1849
- It also includes
instructions on use and mixing in a hand painted color diagram.(see
- Photos appear different than
actual size - see measurements.
- c.2013 The Whimsie