- A
Reeves & Sons Artists Watercolor Paint Box
- Telling
a story of an early 1800's painter, Barbara Walker.
- This
watercolor boxed set was created by Reeves & Sons London
around 1829-1830
- Trade label in
this antique watercolor box around 1829-1830
- The finely
detailed engraved trade card is in the lower drawer
This very old box has a selection of 30
- Some of the original
colors appear to be still in the box.
- The box contained
one of the largest assortment of colors offered in a box at the
- All the blocks
of paint appear to be Reeves make of that era and later.
- Photo of
some Blocks of watercolor found in this box
- which are
of the era.
- The
top of the box is engraved with her name "Barbara Walker"
- At
this time ,all that is known of her is derived from the contents
in this magnificent watercolor box:
- Her
tools, several paintings, and a letter to her.
- Still
this is an amazing portrait of a person from over 180 years ago.
- Below
are her paintings found in the box
- click
for larger images on most items below:

- Carnation
and flowers Watercolor on hot pressed paper watermarked "J
Whatman 1822"
- The
small palette with paint remaining on one side appears to be
the colors she used in the painting.

- Detail
of painting showing fine brush stokes very similar to miniature
painting but on a large scale painting.
- The
papers used have a very smooth "Hot Pressed" surface.
- The
technique appears to have been done with a nearly dry paint arriving
at great detail and velvety surface. T
- his
required a very steady hand.
- The
box contains a few brushes . There is a pin feather mounted on
a stick that could have been used
- by
using its point or edge. Several loose tiny pin feathers possibly
from a quail or pheasant are also found in the box.
- This moth was done with great
detail on a sheet of paper , cut out and remounted on this sheet.
- The size of the painting is the
size of the creature and the effect is an actual mounted specimen.
- These
sketches by her are in the box:

- Below
a couple of pencils one HB, one HH and a metal point fastened
- a
pencil. The metal point is lead or silver and will create a very
fine feint line, which
- is
very useful for under drawing for watercolors.

- A row of bowl palette under the
paint tray, and under that, a second pencil tray with a second
of three Reeves & Sons labels.
- The
box has three Reeves & Sons labels.
- Below
is a small label in the front brush & pencil tray
- (enlarged
for detail) This label only appears in their boxes around 1830
- Both flat palette large and small
are marked Wedgwood
- Front of box with key. Lock does
not work.
- Below the back side and top. The
Rosewood has some small cracks and ripples -to be expected for
a box of 183+ years of age.

- Found
in the box:
- A
letter to her from a correspondent in part with a gentle criticism
of her paintings .
- click
for larger images.
