Virtual Watercolor
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updated Jan 22, 2023


 Lessebo Handmade Papers


Watercolor , Drawing & Print Paper

Shown for historical interest
not for sale
The Lessebo Mill was a Iron Mill prior to making paper.

1693 The Mill began making paper .
It was made by a man called Master Wilhelm (probably German), and was what is called in Sweden a "karduspapper" (CARTRIDGE PAPER), used to fold around gunpowder

In 1697 they made their first paper with a watermark,
a back-to-back monogram.
1719 Lessebo Mill gained permission from Kommerskollegium (board of Trade) to manufacture paper.
The date on this sheet commemorates that date.
I believe it was manufactured around 1919.
This is a laid writing paper with a beautiful hot pressed surface.
It has a lovely orange yellow color. (which is difficult to capture here)
"Handgjord Post " translates as "Handmade Post"
Below is the full sheet made "two up"
They still hand make paper , it one of the oldest mills still doing so.
Many thanks to the Lessebo paper mill for historical information.
Here is a link to their Web site for more information:Lessebo Paper- Vida


This is a similar paper for writing as above.
Here the date is the date of manufacture.
Their watermark is one of the most beautiful
and elaborate. Great skill is needed to create this fine watermark.
Below is the full watermark, though the full sheet is larger.



These papers are not for sale and are shown for historical interest.
Photos are copyright protected
(c)1985-2011 All original designs and photographs shown herein are and copyright protected.
(c) Copyright 1985- 2011 The Whimsie Studio, Larry Henke, Ronald Bodoh
Whimsie studio is a trademark protected name